Coal Production to be Stepped Up

Coal Production to be Stepped Up

The Department of Mines of the Union Ministry of Steel and Mines has decided to step up the production of coal without paying too much attention to the day-to-day wagon availability. The Department seems to feel that unless it goes ahead with the task of stepping up coal production, it will never be able to achieve the targeted 95 million tonnes during 1974-75. But it is not known what alternative plans the Ministry has worked out to ensure against accumulation of pithead stocks of coal resulting from any disruption in railway movement.

The Ministry has also decided to step up the programme of exploration for new coal deposits. The Coal Mines Authority has already drawn up a programme for bulk purchase, including imports, of standardized machinery and equipment. The Singareni Collieries will also draw up a similar list and co-ordinate its activities with the Authority.

The Ministry has also decided to introduce an incentive scheme for officers making outstanding suggestions for the improved working of the coal mines. The Department of Mines would also like to take the initiative and responsibility in respect of all schemes for the utilization of coal for the production of synthetic petroleum products and gasification of coal which are now being discussed by the various Ministries. The Ministry of Steel and Mines is fixing quarterly and monthly targets of production for each colliery. The collieries with higher production potential will be identified immediately. It is proposed to introduce a seven-day four-shift work program in the collieries on a selective basis. Workers’ representatives in these collieries will be consulted before the schemes are introduced.

PTI reports: The Railways, and Steel and Mines Ministries are drawing up an emergency program to ensure speedy movement of coal and steel through efficient use of available wagons.

TIS Staff


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