See what the stars have in store for your sign.
It’s official, Gemini! Your days of dreaming and scheming are behind you. This chapter of your life is about taking inspired action—about going after your dreams with unbridled passion. When in doubt, ask yourself the question: “does the given opportunity align with my long-term vision?” Oh, and one more thing! Don’t forget to look around and notice all the things that have come to fruition over the past few months. Buckle up, Cancer! You’re in for one hell of an adventure over the next few days! Projects that have been stuck for a while will suddenly gain momentum, steering the chariot of your life in a brand new direction. It is Aries season, after all! Your magnetism is off-the-charts, Capricorn! So is your ability to make big things happen. Harness your influence for the greater good of all. Your ability to guide and inspire is unmatched—tap into it to lead your team with courage and confidence. That said, the opportunity to meet and greet power players from your industry may arise. Hope your elevator pitch is ready, beautiful!
So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most!
Aries Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
If there’s one thing you need to know right now, it’s that you have unwavering support from the universe. So, trust in the golden opportunities that are being presented to you and trust in your ability to make big things happen. You have the knowledge, wisdom and resources required to set great changes into motion—not to mention, the support of your tribe members. Some of you may be feeling the urge to upskill and/or return to your books. Now is a good time to honour the invitation to dive deeper!
Cosmic tip: Trust the golden opportunities knocking at your door.
Taurus Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
When one door closes another one opens, Taurus. This is something you need to remember as you move through the eclipse season. What you are now perceiving as a loss is merely creating space for new ideas, opportunities and abundance to enter into your space. Trust the cleansing and purging process. Creatively speaking, now is *not* the time to hold back. It’s the time to open yourself to the infinite possibility of what you can co-create with Spirit. Just a reminder: you are only limited by your imagination.
Cosmic tip: What you are now perceiving as a loss is merely creating space for new ideas, opportunities and abundance to enter into your space.
Gemini Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
It’s official, Gemini! Your days of dreaming and scheming are behind you. This chapter of your life is about taking inspired action—about going after your dreams with unbridled passion. When in doubt, ask yourself the question: “does the given opportunity align with my long-term vision?” Oh, and one more thing! Don’t forget to look around and notice all the things that have come to fruition over the past few months. That said, the need for boundaries is also showing up strongly. Not everybody around you is going to support the choices you’re being called to make, and that’s okay. You don’t have to be influenced by other people’s perception of your reality, beautiful.
Cosmic tip: Meditate with/or wear Tiger’s Eye to tap into your ambitious side.
Cancer Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
Buckle up, buttercup! You’re in for one hell of an adventure over the next few days! Projects that have been stuck for a while will suddenly gain momentum, steering the chariot of your life in a brand new direction. It is Aries season, after all! That said, you’ve also got the wish fulfilment card in your spread affirming that your dreams and desires are finding their way into the manifest world. The best part of it all? You’re sharing this special moment of fruition with the people you love the most.
Cosmic tip: Upwards and onwards, moon child!
Leo Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
Leo, prepare for a nostalgic trip down memory lane! This chapter of your life is all about rekindling old flames and basking in the glow of cherished memories. It’s like a surprise reunion with your inner child, reminding you of the simple pleasures and pure joys. Embrace this heartwarming journey, reconnect with long-lost tribe members, and spread your signature good juju like confetti. Your magnetism is off-the-charts right now, turning every encounter into a potential feel-good story. So, laugh loud, hug it out, and let the good times roll! You deserve it!
Cosmic tip: Reconnect with long-lost members of your tribe today!
Virgo Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
Virgo, you’re on a journey. A journey of transition and movement. Embrace the shifts as you glide from one phase of life to another, finding peace in the changes and growth in new experiences. Like a caravan traversing vast lands, you’re on a path of self-discovery. Reflect on where you’ve been to understand where you’re going, and remember that every move forward is a step towards the bright and beautiful reality you’ve been manifesting for yourself. Honour this as a time for healing, learning, and embracing the gentle flow of life.
Cosmic tip: You are where you are supposed to be. Trust the transition process.
Libra Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
The trouble is, we waste so much time worrying ourselves sick about ‘the how’ and ‘the why’. We repeat the story of failure and convince ourselves that we will never make it to the finish line. But, that is far from the truth, Libra. What you want to remember now and for through the rest of the journey is that you are where you are supposed to be; that what you seek is seeking you. So, reprogram your mind as you address the contradictory beliefs standing in the way of your progress. Overheard at the cosmic conference: the Universe is your co-conspirator on this journey and is doing everything it can to ensure you have a 5-star experience whilst you’re here on earth.
Cosmic tip: You are where you are supposed to be despite what your external reality will have you believe.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
Right now, you’re fun, you’re witty, you’re charming! You’re everybody’s favourite person at the dinner table. Overheard at the cosmic conference: work your magnetism to your advantage. What isn’t working in your favour, though: your burning desire to wear a multitude of hats at one go. This eclipse season, reflect upon what it is that you really came here to experience *and* clarify your mission statement in accordance with the big vision. That will help you channelise your energy in a way that serves your highest and greatest good!
Cosmic tip: Meditate with or wear the crystal clear quartz or clarify your mission statement.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
Eclipse season sees you in the midst of a transition. While you don’t know where you’re being led towards, you trust the process. You trust that it’s all taking place for your highest and greatest good, beautiful. Honour this as a time to turn your gaze inwards—to do the inner work—to become the eye of the storm, if that’s what your journey requires. Here’s something to remember when the going gets tough: your ancestors and spirit guides are by your side and they’re supporting you fully in this process of metamorphosis.
Cosmic tip: Meditate with or wear the crystal lepidolite as it is known to assist in the process of transition.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
Right now, your magnetism is off-the-charts, Capricorn! So is your ability to make big things happen. Harness your influence for the greater good of all. Your ability to guide and inspire is unmatched—tap into it to lead your team with courage and confidence. That said, the opportunity to meet and greet power players from your industry may arise. Hope your elevator pitch is ready! We see you going places in the months to come!
Cosmic tip: Harness your influence for the greater good of all.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
If it isn’t working out, it isn’t working out. Observe your need to push against the flow and where it is stemming from. By lighting the lamp of awareness, you will be able to recognise what isn’t in alignment with your soul’s growth. What the cards are urging you to reflect upon in the days to come: the art of defenselessness and how you can apply this wisdom to your current situation. For some of you, issues related to money, property and assets could be resurfacing. Could it be that you’re so attached to the starving artist mindset that you’re unable to imagine a reality where also your needs and wants are fulfilled? Don’t be afraid to ask yourself uncomfortable questions, Aquarius.
Cosmic tip: You deserve to live the life you have always imagined for yourself.
Pisces Horoscope Today: March 26, 2024
Pisces, this is a wonderful time to connect deeply with your emotions and your intuition. To pay attention to the divine downloads you are receiving as you reflect upon how you can embrace the wisdom shared by your angels and spirit guides. The recurring numbers you’ve been seeing are no coincidence, Pisces! With Mercury retrograde around the corner, long-lost members from your tribe may also enter into your orbit. You’ve always been a lover at heart. Find your own unique way to nurture these connections. Oh, and if you’re feeling the feels for somebody, it’s a good idea to let them know!
Cosmic tip: Connect with your emotional and intuitive side today.
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