DGFT notifies policy for export under SCOMET

DGFT notifies policy for export under SCOMET

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has issued a notification regarding the policy for export of certain goods under the Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment, and Technologies (SCOMET) category. According to the notification, exporters are now required to obtain a general authorization from the DGFT for the export of specified SCOMET items. This notification comes as part of the government’s efforts to regulate the export of sensitive goods and technologies to safeguard national security interests.

Under the new policy, exporters are required to submit an online application for obtaining the general authorization. The export of SCOMET items without such authorization will be deemed as a violation of the government’s regulations and may attract penalties.

The government has also introduced certain conditions for the export of SCOMET items. These conditions include compliance with international arms control regimes and licensing requirements of destination countries. The export of SCOMET items to countries subject to UN Security Council’s arms embargoes and those listed in the annex to the policy will not be allowed.

The SCOMET category includes items related to nuclear, chemical, biological, and missile-related technologies, as well as certain types of electronics and software. The new policy aims to ensure a more stringent control over the export of these items, considering their potential dual-use and implications for national security.

In conclusion, the DGFT’s notification of the policy for export under the SCOMET category is a significant step towards the regulation and control of the export of sensitive goods and technologies. The new policy will help prevent the misuse of such items and protect the country’s national security interests.

For more information, please visit: DGFT notifies policy for export under SCOMET



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