Amid the exodus of Congress leaders to the BJP in Madhya Pradesh ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, terms like ‘garbage’ and ‘trash bins’ have become part of the political discourse as the opposition party is using them to target the turncoats while the ruling party is seen hitting back in the same style. After a Congress leader termed his party turncoats as garbage, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders also hit back at the opposition party with the ‘trash bin’ remark. Another senior Congress leader and party’s national secretary Satyanarayan Patel last week equated the turncoats with the garbage thrown into dumping grounds. Meanwhile, senior BJP leader Gopal Bhargava described the turncoats as ‘berries’ and state BJP spokesman Pankaj Chaturvedi defended the new entrants to the party, stating that they were valuable workers and leaders who believed in the party’s policies and PM Modi. It was claimed by former minister Narottam Mishra that over 16,000 leaders from other parties, mostly from Congress, have joined the BJP recently.
Garbage and Trash Bins Become Part of Political Discourse in Madhya Pradesh