Parineeti Chopra, known for her acting prowess, recently showcased her singing talent at the trailer launch of Imtiaz Ali’s upcoming musical, ‘Amar Singh Chamkila.’ Singing alongside co-star Diljit Dosanjh, Parineeti’s performance garnered a range of reactions from netizens. Some users on Instagram sarcastically commented, ‘Nice hidden talent…keep it hidden,’ while others humorously referenced classic songs to critique her singing. Despite mixed reviews, some users praised Parineeti’s efforts, acknowledging her previous successful playback singing debut with ‘Maana Ke Hum Yaar Nahin’ from the film ‘Meri Pyaari Bindu.’ Trained in classical singing, Parineeti will portray Amarjot Kaur, the girlfriend of legendary Punjabi singer Amar Singh Chamkila, in the musical. ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ delves into the life of the iconic Punjabi singer, his rise to fame in the 1980s, and his tragic demise at a young age. Produced by Mohit Choudhary, Select Media Holdings LLP, Saregama, and Window Seat Films, the musical’s soundtrack is available on Saregama, with a release date on Netflix India set for April 12. While opinions on Parineeti’s singing vary, her performance alongside Diljit Dosanjh has sparked anticipation for ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ among fans eager to witness their on-screen chemistry. Meanwhile, rumours about Parineeti’s pregnancy have circulated since her marriage. This time, there were some murmurs after she chose a loose-fitting outfit for the trailer launch. Taking a jibe at the same time, the actress posted on Instagram that whenever she wears comfortable clothes, people assume she is pregnant, which is clearly not the case.
Parineeti Chopra Sings Alongside Diljit Dosanjh at ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ Trailer Launch; Netizens React