The premiere episode of ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ last night featured the Kapoor clan, including Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Singh, and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, as special guests. The opening episode of the show included a hilarious standup comedy routine by host Kapil Sharma, and as always, he returned to roasting Archana Puran Singh. Fans who have been missing the comedic talents of Kapil Sharma, Sunil Grover, Krushna Abhishek, and Kiku Sharda must have thoroughly enjoyed watching the hilarious gags and punchlines on ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show.’ However, it was the banter between Archana Puran Singh and Kapil Sharma and the latter pulling the Kuch Kuch Hota Hai actress’ leg that was one of the highlights of the episode.
After his standup, Kapil introduced the guests of the evening and welcomed Ranbir, Neetu Singh, and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni on the show. Kapil asked them to cut the red ribbon and inaugurate the show. After making them sit, Kapil warned Ranbir and asked him to be careful on the sets and roast Archana. He said, ‘Paaji, you’ve done the inauguration, but if some lady comes up to you and asks 11 or 21 lakhs rupees for good luck, please ignore her.’ He doesn’t stop here; he goes on to share, ‘Look, Archana ji has put up her QR code back there. That was her only contribution. We do all the hard work and she gets all the money.’ This leaves everyone in splits of laughter.
Later in ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show,’ Sunil Grover joins as Dafli, and upon his entry, he and Kapil Sharma engage in playful banter, taking humorous jabs at each other. Sunil aka Dafli apologizes for being late on the show due to traffic, and Kapil taunts Dafli about how she can be stuck in a traffic jam for 6 years? Sunil replies, ‘Luckily, at least I returned in 6 years, it would have taken you nine years to walk back from Australia.’
Sunil teased him about their famous mid-air brawl that took place in Australia. Moving forward on the show, Ranbir and Dafli perform a romantic dance on ‘Pehle Bhi Main’ from Animal. They romance each other on stage in front of Riddhima and Neetu Kapoor. Dafli takes the title of Bhabhi 2 Max Pro.
Audiences, along with Kapil Sharma, Neetu Singh, and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, thoroughly enjoyed the act on ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show.’ The duo danced a cozy dance that garnered cheers from everyone in the crowd.