Disney’s Descendants franchise is expanding with the introduction of fresh faces in the upcoming installment, ‘Descendants: The Rise of Red’. A teaser released on Tuesday offers a glimpse into the new characters, promising an exciting addition to the beloved series. Directed by Jennifer Phang, the film follows Red, the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, and Chloe, Cinderella’s daughter, as they team up to undo a coup against Auradon. Starring Kylie Cantrall as Red and Malia Baker as Chloe, the movie explores their journey to alter the villainous legacy of Red’s mother.
The teaser introduces Red, a rebellious figure, and Chloe, a perfectionist, as they embark on their mission. Red’s mother, the tyrannical Queen of Hearts, incites the coup, pushing Red and Chloe to travel back in time to change her path.
Kylie Cantrall takes the lead as Red, with Malia Baker portraying Chloe. Rita Ora joins as The Queen of Hearts, alongside China Anne McClain as Uma, Dara Reneé as Uliana, and more, adding depth to the Descendants universe.
Directed by Jennifer Phang, the film promises a captivating narrative. The script, penned by Dan Frey and Russell Sommer, ensures a compelling storyline. Production designer Mark Hofeling returns, adding his creative touch to the film’s aesthetic.
‘Descendants: The Rise of Red’ will premiere on Disney+ on July 12, followed by its Disney Channel debut on August 9, allowing fans multiple opportunities to enjoy the new chapter in the Descendants saga.