ECI Increases Scrutiny of Parties’ Spending on SMS, Voice Call Campaigns

ECI Increases Scrutiny of Parties’ Spending on SMS, Voice Call Campaigns

The ECI has taken this step amid concerns over the excessive use of SMS and voice call campaigns by political parties during elections. These campaigns have become a popular and cost-effective method of reaching out to voters and spreading messages. However, there have been allegations of parties overspending on such campaigns and using them to circumvent campaign expenditure limits set by the ECI.

Under the new guidelines, political parties will be required to disclose the amount spent on SMS and voice call campaigns to the ECI. They will also have to maintain a record of the number of messages and calls made, as well as the target audience. The ECI will then verify these records and cross-check them with the data provided by service providers.

Any discrepancy or violation of the rules will be strictly dealt with, and parties found guilty of overspending or misreporting will face legal consequences. The ECI hopes that increased scrutiny will deter parties from indulging in unfair and unlawful campaign practices. It also aims to promote greater transparency in election financing, which is crucial for a healthy democracy.

The move has been welcomed by transparency and election watchdog organizations. They have long been advocating for stronger regulations and monitoring of political campaign spending. The new guidelines will enable better tracking of election expenses and help prevent any misuse of funds.

However, some political parties have expressed concerns over the practicality of implementing these regulations. They argue that tracking SMS and voice call expenses can be challenging, especially in cases where multiple vendors or agencies are involved. They have called for clarifications and guidelines on how to accurately calculate and report such campaign expenses.

Overall, the ECI’s decision to increase scrutiny of parties’ spending on SMS and voice call campaigns is a significant step towards curbing election finance malpractices. It sends a strong message that election financing should be transparent and accountable. It will be interesting to see how parties adapt to these new regulations and whether they lead to a cleaner and more ethical election campaigning process in the future.

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TIS Staff


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