India, Pakistan Tried to Interfere in Canada’s 2019-2021 Elections, Claims Spy Agency

India, Pakistan Tried to Interfere in Canada’s 2019-2021 Elections, Claims Spy Agency

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) has recently released documents alleging that the governments of India and Pakistan attempted to interfere in Canada’s federal elections in 2019 and 2021. According to CSIS, the Indian government had the intent to interfere and likely conducted clandestine activities during the elections. These activities reportedly involved the use of a proxy agent within Canada and the provision of illicit financial support to candidates running in the elections. CSIS claims that this interference is part of a larger campaign by India to align Canada’s positions on key issues with India’s interests.

It should be noted that similar allegations had previously arisen earlier this year and were strongly denied by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs. The Ministry had emphasized that India abides by the principle of non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries.

CSIS also alleged that in 2021, the Pakistani government engaged in activities to promote their interests during the Canadian federal elections. However, specific details regarding these allegations have not been disclosed.

Foreign interference in elections is a significant concern for many countries, as it undermines the integrity of democratic processes and national sovereignty. Governments worldwide have been taking measures to combat and minimize such interference to safeguard the electoral systems.

It remains to be seen how these allegations and claims by CSIS will be addressed by the governments of India, Pakistan, and Canada. As the issue unfolds, it is expected that more details and clarifications will emerge to provide a clearer understanding of the extent and impact of any alleged interference in Canada’s democratic processes.

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