UN Raises Alarm on Surging Malnutrition in Afghan Women and Children

UN Raises Alarm on Surging Malnutrition in Afghan Women and Children

The United Nations world food programme in Afghanistan has raised concerns about the increasing malnutrition rates among women and children in the country. According to a report by Khaama Press, the number of malnutrition cases in Kabul has tripled over the past three years. This worrying trend highlights the urgent need for action to address the issue of malnutrition in Afghanistan.

The world food programme attributes the alarming situation to a decrease in humanitarian aid reaching the nation. As the country faces ongoing conflicts and instability, the delivery of essential aid has been hampered, exacerbating the problem further.

Mishro, a nurse working at a malnutrition ward, has observed a decline in the mental and psychological health of women in Afghanistan. This has led to a rise in malnutrition cases, with malnourished mothers unintentionally contributing to their children’s poor health. The lack of adequate facilities for patients has worsened the situation. Mishro mentioned that in 50% of cases, the situation for malnourished women is not good.

The world food programme has also highlighted a surge in malnourished women across the nation. This concerning trend aligns with escalating poverty rates and widespread malnutrition, particularly among women. Human rights groups have raised alarms regarding the deteriorating situation and the challenges faced by Afghan women.

Amid these challenges, many Afghan people, including women and children, are forced to flee their homes due to poverty, insecurity, and the ongoing conflicts. The situation is further complicated by the resurgence of the Taliban in 2021. The extremist group’s stance on restricting women’s access to education and employment has drawn international criticism. There have been warnings against external interference in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.

It is essential for immediate action to be taken to address the surging malnutrition rates among women and children in Afghanistan. Assistance from the international community is crucial in providing the necessary aid and support to mitigate the effects of malnutrition and improve the well-being of Afghan citizens, especially women and children.

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