Aavin advises Tamil Nadu dairy farmers to protect milch animals during the summer

Aavin advises Tamil Nadu dairy farmers to protect milch animals during the summer

Aavin, the milk marketing federation in Tamil Nadu, has issued an advisory to dairy farmers in the state to take care of milch animals during the summer. The sweltering heat can be particularly challenging for animals, and Aavin has recommended certain measures to ensure their well-being.

Firstly, farmers are advised to provide shade for their cattle. Tying the animals under the shade of trees can protect them from direct exposure to the sun and reduce the risk of heat stress. This simple step can go a long way in preventing heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses in the animals.

Secondly, Aavin suggests providing additional water to the milch animals. The scorching heat can lead to dehydration, and it is crucial to ensure that the animals have access to an ample supply of water. In villages where water is scarce, the farmers have committed to doubling the quantity of water provided to the cattle. Additionally, some farmers plan to take their cattle for a wash daily to help cool them down and reduce their body temperature.

It is also important to adapt the feeding practices during the summer. Aavin advises farmers to provide straw, corn, and other soft items to the animals instead of sending them to graze on dry ground. This ensures that the animals receive a proper diet while minimizing their exposure to the extreme heat. The farmers have observed that breeds like Jersey cattle are more prone to strokes and require careful attention during the summer months.

Moreover, Aavin highlights that the heat can also affect milk production in the animals. The hot weather can cause a decrease in milk yield, posing a challenge for dairy farmers. By implementing these measures, the farmers aim to protect the health and well-being of their milch animals and maintain a stable milk production even during the summer season.

Tamil Nadu has a significant number of milch animals, with approximately 88 lakh as of 2012. The state government is currently taking steps to support dairy farmers and increase the number of cows by providing loans. These initiatives aim to strengthen the dairy sector in Tamil Nadu and ensure a sustainable livelihood for farmers.

In conclusion, Aavin’s advisory serves as a reminder to dairy farmers in Tamil Nadu to prioritize the welfare of their milch animals during the hot summer months. By following these recommendations, farmers can protect their animals from heat-related issues, maintain milk production, and contribute to the overall sustainability of the dairy industry.

TIS Staff


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