US House advances Ukraine-Israel package after rare bipartisan show, far-right fumes

US House advances Ukraine-Israel package after rare bipartisan show, far-right fumes

The House took a critical step on Friday toward approving a long-stalled package of aid to Ukraine, Israel, and other American allies, as Democrats supplied the crucial votes to push the legislation past Republican opposition. The 316-94 vote cleared the way for the House to bring up the aid package, teeing up separate votes on Saturday on each of its parts. Passage of the aid measures, which enjoy bipartisan support, was not in doubt, making Friday’s action the key indicator that the legislation will prevail. The $95.3 billion package includes funding for Ukraine as it battles against Russian aggression, a major priority of President Biden. It was a triumph against the forces of isolationism within the GOP and a major moment of bipartisan consensus in a Congress known for dysfunction. Despite facing resistance from the far right, there is broad bipartisan backing for the aid package.

Speaker Mike Johnson, who put his own job on the line to push through the plan over his party’s objections, was forced to turn to Democrats in a significant breach of custom in the House. This further imperiled his position but paved the way for the legislation to be voted on and approved. The House has relied on Democratic votes in the past to address critical issues, such as suspending the debt ceiling bill. In this case, many Republicans spoke in favor of sending aid to Ukraine and Israel, while far-right members opposed the bill. To overcome opposition within his own party, Johnson broke down the package into three pieces and added a fourth bill to appease conservatives. The rule allowed separate votes on aid to Israel and aid to Ukraine, but then folded them together without requiring an up-or-down vote on the entire bill.

Read More: [US House advances Ukraine-Israel package after rare bipartisan show, far-right fumes](

TIS Staff


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