Dell has launched the Alienware x16 R2 powered with up to Intel Core Ultra 9 185H processor and Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 GPU in India. The Alienware x16 R2 comes with a 16:10 display aspect ratio refreshing at 240Hz, compared to 165Hz on its predecessor. The device also features an IR for facial recognition and HDR for camera performance. The laptop also gets a support for AI-accelerated performance right from calculating realistic physics and accurate sound effect triggers. To ensure consistent performance, Dell says the device comes with the most advanced cryo-tech thermal management system that incorporates the vapour chamber technology and the element 31 thermal interface material, applied across both the CPU and GPU. The laptop designed for gamers can devote up to 175W of dedicated graphics power with 12-phase voltage regulation stacked on top of the latest Intel processors, and can deliver up to a 41% performance increase and a 1.9x increase in battery life compared to similar Alienware laptops since 2021, the company said in press release. The full metal chassis of the device touts an anodized aluminum and magnesium alloy for durability and sleekness. “The Alienware x16 R2 represents a superior refresh of the iconic Alienware x16. Packed with a myriad of upgrades and AI capabilities, it joins the revered X Series lineup, renowned for delivering unparalleled gaming performance within the most sophisticated designs available” Pujan Chadha, Director, Product Marketing, Consumer and Small Business, DellTechnologies, India, said. The new Alienware x16 R2 will be available at a starting price of ₹2,86,990.