Markets took a breather after the recent surge and ended marginally higher on Wednesday. Shares of Bajaj Finance, Nestle, Tech Mahindra, IndusInd Bank, Axis Bank, HUL, Kotak Bank among others will be in focus due to various related developments or quarterly earnings. Bajaj Finance, Nestle, Tech Mahindra, and IndusInd Bank will announce their quarterly results later in the day. Axis Bank announced a fundraising plan along with its fourth-quarter results, where the lender reported a profit of Rs 7,130 crore as against a loss a year earlier. IT services company LTIMindtree reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 1,100 crore for the March quarter, down 1% year-on-year. Motilal Oswal Group announced strategic leadership changes to continue accelerating growth with transformative strategies in the AMC. FMCG major Hindustan Unilever Ltd reported a 6% drop in its standalone net profit at Rs 2,406 crore for the quarter ended March 2024. Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is looking to sell part stake in logistics services provider Delhivery for an estimated value of $110 million. Indian Hotels Company Limited reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 418 crore in the March-ended quarter which was up by over 27%. Dalmia Bharat reported a net profit of Rs 320 crore for the March quarter. Kotak Mahindra Bank has received an order from the Reserve Bank to temporarily pause onboarding of new customers though the lender’s online and mobile banking channels and issuance of fresh credit cards. Syngene International posted a net profit of Rs 189 crore for the quarter ended March 2024. The Financial Services Institutions Bureau has recommended Rana Ashutosh Kumar Singh for the position of MD in SBI.