A month before the Lok Sabha polls come to Delhi, the capital’s sprawling eastern neighbourhood votes in the second phase on Friday. A total of 55 lakh people in the two NCR constituencies of Ghaziabad and GB Nagar are eligible to cast their vote across nearly 5,000 booths. Both seats are BJP strongholds. In Ghaziabad, it has fielded local MLA Atul Garg against INDIA bloc candidate Dolly Sharma of Congress. In GB Nagar, incumbent MP and entrepreneur Mahesh Sharma is seeking a third straight victory. INDIA bloc has fielded another doctor, Mahendra Nagar (SP).
To step up vigil against malpractices, the Election Commission will webcast nearly 50% of the polling booths in the two NCR constituencies on Friday. All other booths will be under CCTV or video camera surveillance. Noida district election officer Manish Kumar Verma said of the 1,852 polling booths, webcasting will be introduced at 931 to enable real-time monitoring of the electoral process from control rooms set up at Surajpur collectorate and Lucknow, besides the election office in Delhi.
The district administration has identified 330 booths as ‘critical’ and 204 as ‘vulnerable’. Polling booths where poll per cent recorded in past elections were more than 75% and where over 75% of votes have been recorded in favour of one candidate or have a history of booth capturing, clash or repoll are marked as critical polling stations as a precautionary measure. Booths susceptible to threat and intimidation are marked as vulnerable booths.
Around 10,000 polling officials and 11,000 security personnel have been mobilised for the elections, Verma said. To ensure effective poll management, the district has been segmented into 120 sectors, each to be supervised by sector magistrates and 26 zonal magistrates appointed by the election department. Police commissioner Laxmi Singh visited Phool Mandi on Thursday and assured adequate police presence at every booth. She said a control room was set up at the collectorate office and an additional sub-control room near Advant Tower to ensure a smooth and peaceful election process.
In Ghaziabad, 15,074 personnel will be deployed to facilitate voting in 3,092 polling booths. PD Dixit, deputy nodal officer (personnel), said, “A total of 3,092 BLOs, 270 supervisors, 29 zonal officers, and 192 sector officers will ensure that voting is conducted in a free and fair manner. Webcasting has been introduced at 1,549 booths.”
The administration has identified 698 booths as ‘critical’ and 37 others as ‘vulnerable’. According to the final electoral roll, Ghaziabad has 29.4 lakh registered voters, including 33,921 first-time voters. GB Nagar, meanwhile, has 26,200,40 voters and 24,223 first-time voters.
To improve voting percentage, the two NCR cities have set up polling booths at condominiums for the first time. Ghaziabad chief development officer Abhinav Gopal said 36 polling centres and 51 polling booths were set up in high-rise apartments, mostly centred around Indirapuram, Raj Nagar Extension, and Crossings Republik. In GB Nagar, 101 such booths have come up in Noida and Greater Noida condominiums.
“It should be understood that polling booths have been created in high-rise apartments to allow registered voters from neighbouring condominiums to cast their vote nearer to their home. There should be no attempts by the RWAs of any apartment to stop voters from entering their premises,” Abhinav Gopal, chief development officer, said