Following his departure from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, filmmaker Joe Russo has been actively involved in various projects, including the popular Extraction franchise. In a recent update, Russo confirms that Extraction 3 is currently in the works, with director Sam Hargrave and actor Chris Hemsworth returning to continue the action-packed series. The franchise, based on Ande Parks’ graphic novel Ciudad, has gained attention for its adrenaline-fueled storyline and captivating characters. Russo emphasizes the rich storytelling potential of protagonist Tyler Rake and his complex backstory, highlighting the tumultuous relationship with violence driving the narrative forward. Russo also discusses his post-Marvel plans, expressing a commitment to original storytelling and innovative ideas. Alongside his brother Anthony, the duo aims to carve out their own niche in the cinematic landscape, with a focus on creativity and exploration. In addition to Extraction 3, the Russo brothers are involved in diverse endeavors, including the production of Disney’s live-action adaptation of Hercules. While specific details about Extraction 3 remain under wraps, fans can anticipate updates on the trailer and release date soon.
Filmmaker Joe Russo Reveals Details About Extraction 3 Development and Plot