Police in India have arrested four people linked to a network of human traffickers. These individuals are suspected of luring young men to Russia with the promise of lucrative jobs or university places, only to force them to fight in the war in Ukraine. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) stated that around 35 Indian men were deceived in this manner. The CBI announced that the individuals arrested include a translator, a person facilitating visa processing and the booking of airline tickets, as well as two main recruiters for the southern states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The investigation is ongoing to identify and apprehend other individuals involved in this international network of human traffickers. Families of two Indian men who were killed in the war have spoken out, revealing that their loved ones went to Russia expecting to work as “helpers” in the army. India’s foreign ministry has raised each case with Russia, but Moscow has not responded to requests for comment from Reuters. Other South Asian countries have also warned their citizens about these trafficking networks after multiple cases emerged of people being tricked into fighting in the Russian army. Sri Lanka reported that several retired war veterans were enticed to the Russia-Ukraine war front with the promise of a handsome salary, citizenship, and other benefits for their service, none of which were granted. In connection with this, a retired major and an employment agent have been arrested. Nepal, which had temporarily halted the issuance of work permits for Russia and Ukraine, disclosed that several young unemployed Nepalis had been unlawfully recruited into the Russian army by agents who charged them high fees for visas. Officials estimate that at least 200 Nepalis are serving in the Russian army, with around 100 reported missing. Although India has not condemned Russia over the war, the country has called for dialogue and diplomacy to resolve the conflict. India has also increased its purchase of cheap Russian oil since the war, making Moscow its top oil supplier for the second consecutive year in the last financial year.
Indian Police Arrest Four Linked to Human Trafficking Network Involving Recruitment for War in Ukraine