The first look of Apple TV+’s upcoming limited series ‘Lady in the Lake’ has been released. The series stars Natalie Portman and Moses Ingram in lead roles and is set to make its global debut on July 19, 2024. Directed by Alma Har’el, the show is a seven-part series that revolves around the disappearance of a young girl in Baltimore in 1966. The lives of two women, Maddie Schwartz (played by Natalie Portman) and Cleo Sherwood (played by Moses Ingram), collide as they become intertwined in the investigation. The show explores themes of reinvention, political undercurrents, and danger. ‘Lady in the Lake’ is produced by Crazyrose and Bad Wolf America.
First look of Natalie Portman and Moses Ingram starrer ‘Lady in the Lake’ released