The Animal Husbandry Department in Tamil Nadu has recently imposed a ban on 23 dog breeds that are categorized as ‘ferocious’. The banned breeds include Pitbull terrier and Tosa Inu, both known for their aggressive behavior. This decision comes in light of a distressing incident that took place in Chennai, where a child was severely injured by Rottweiler dogs. The incident occurred when two pet Rottweilers attacked a five-year-old girl who was playing in a park.
The ban on these dog breeds aims to prevent further incidents and ensure the safety of the citizens, especially children. The Animal Husbandry Department has taken this step after careful consideration and consultation with experts in the field. The banned breeds are considered to have a higher propensity for aggression and pose a potential threat to public safety.
The incident in Chennai was a wake-up call for the authorities to take strict action against breeds prone to violence. Following the attack, there have been demands from various quarters to regulate the ownership and breeding of such dogs. The ban on these ‘ferocious’ breeds is seen as a significant move towards addressing these concerns and prioritizing public safety.
However, it is important to note that not all dogs belonging to these breeds are inherently dangerous. Proper training, socialization, and responsible ownership can help in reducing the chances of aggression. The ban primarily targets untrained, uncontrolled, or neglected dogs of these breeds.
It is crucial for dog owners and enthusiasts to understand the reasons behind this ban and support the efforts to promote responsible dog ownership. This includes providing appropriate training, ensuring adequate socialization, and regular veterinary care for their dogs. The Animal Husbandry Department is also actively working towards creating awareness about responsible dog ownership through campaigns and initiatives.
In conclusion, the ban on 23 ‘ferocious’ dog breeds by Tamil Nadu Animal Husbandry Department is a step taken in response to the recent incident in Chennai. It aims to ensure public safety and prevent further attacks by these breeds. Responsible dog ownership and education about dog behavior are essential in addressing the concerns related to dog aggression. By working together, we can create a safer environment for everyone, including our beloved pets.