The Chennai police on Monday, May 13, 2024, arrested a 32-year-old history-sheeter for allegedly attempting to murder two of his relatives, both women, in Korukkupet. The history-sheeter has been identified as V. Udhaya alias Udhayakumar, who was living with his wife and children at Kaladipet in Thiruvotriyur. After Udhayakumar became an alcoholic and constantly quarrelled with his wife, Bhavani, she took their children and went to her mother’s house in Korukkupet.
On Saturday (May 11) night, Udhayakumar went to his mother-in-law Radha’s house in Korukkupet and had an argument with her. He asked her to send his wife and children back home. During the course of the argument, he assaulted both her and his sister-in-law Kavitha, with a knife, and then fled.
Kavitha lodged a complaint at the R.K. Nagar police station, and the police arrested Udhayakumar on charges of attempt to murder and harassment. Udhayakumar has eight criminal cases, including two for murder and one for attempt to murder, lodged against him at the R.K. Nagar station.