Senior BJP leader Gudur Narayana Reddy has written an open letter to Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, requesting an immediate inquiry into the construction of Baswapur Reservoir, now known as Nrusimhasagar Reservoir, in Telangana. Reddy expressed concerns about the quality of the reservoir and its potential to face similar issues as the Medigadda barrage, where piers have sunk due to alleged shoddy construction. The Vigilance and Enforcement Department has been urged to investigate the project, which is a crucial element of the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project serving two districts. The reservoir has a capacity of 11.39 tmc and a project cost of over ₹1,700 crore. Reddy also highlighted the lack of compensation for the oustees of the reservoir, who have been living in poor conditions.
BJP Seeks Probe into Construction of Baswapur Reservoir