The government’s decision to acquire land for parking facilities at the Kalamukku fish landing centre has been welcomed by fishermen and others in the industry as a victory. The move follows nearly two decades of protests and demands for improved facilities at the fish landing centre on Vypeen island. The recent government order has sanctioned funds amounting to ₹2.51 crore for purchasing land for an approach road and parking area. The government has also released ₹12.55 lakh for preliminary works. This acquisition is seen as crucial for further development of the fish landing centre, as the availability of sufficient parking space and an approach road is necessary for any future expansion.
Local representative K.N. Unnikrishnan, the MLA of Vypeen, believes that land acquisition for the fish landing centre marks a new chapter in the development of the coastal area. He mentioned that there was a time when the development of the centre seemed impossible, but now it has become a reality with the start of land acquisition. The demand for improved facilities at the fish landing centre was initially raised by various unions 18 years ago. Fishermen demanded the establishment of a safe haven for fishing boats and a designated space for selling fish, both under the ownership of the state government.
In response to the protests by fishermen, the government allocated ₹1.10 crore for the construction of an auction hall at the fish landing centre. However, the absence of a proper approach road leading to the hall resulted in a decline in fish sales. The auction hall has remained unused for around 14 years. Fishermen have also highlighted the need for an approach road, proper drainage, and other improvements in the area.
The issue regarding the fish landing centre was brought up during the Navakerala Sadas, which took place recently. Prior to the event, fishermen staged a massive protest at the Goshree Bridges Junction, emphasizing the urgent need for better facilities at the centre.