
Around 70% of Mumbai’s landslide-prone areas fall within informal settlements, according to a report by WRI-India. The report introduces a Climate Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment (CHVA) framework to strengthen climate action. It highlights the need to analyze landslide susceptibility and historic hotspots, and assesses the risks in transport networks. The report also reveals the rising air temperature in Mumbai and its impact on urban heat risk.


The G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration of 2023 is a historic commitment towards gender equality and women’s empowerment. Under India’s presidency, the focus shifted to ‘Women-led Development’, addressing education, entrepreneurship, leadership, and climate resilience. Outcomes include a digital skilling platform and a mentorship platform. India’s G20 Presidency involved citizens in discussions and showcased local women artisans and entrepreneurs. The declaration challenges countries to take meaningful steps towards gender equality.