DIAL’s diverse sustainability efforts in FY24 may accelerate achieving net zero emissions, potentially meeting 2030 goals by 2025.


India has adopted a holistic approach towards conservation, not just focusing on reducing emissions but also working towards arresting land degradation, accelerating ecosystem restoration, and enriching biodiversity.


The world needs to cut 43% of its emission by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, to be within the ‘safe’ limit of global temperature rise, but emissions under the current mitigation target are projected to be only 2% below those levels. A new UN report highlights the urgency of reducing emissions and the need for rapid action in this decade.


Global emissions of carbon dioxide are expected to rise by approximately 1% in 2023, reaching a new all-time high, according to preliminary research by climate scientists. This increase poses a significant challenge in meeting the targets set in the Paris Agreement and limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

New regulations in Europe will impose hefty emissions bills on ships, aiming to reduce air pollution and promote sustainability in the shipping industry.

Meanwhile attending the G20 environmental ministerial meeting in Bali, UE minister Bhupender Yadav shed light upon India’s efforts towards decreasing emissions, despite of not being an active culprit of creating them. Yadav complained the absence of responsibility in developed countries, whereas poor countries taking action vigorously, continuing by addressing hefty climate finance as loans as high as 70% upon developing countries, pushing into more debt.