Sunday announced JEE (advanced) scores and the topper with a 314/360 marker was Shirshir RK, a Bengaluru boy from a humble background. Shirshir, being a dedicated student throughout his academic progression, shared in an interview that covid did not affect him at all, just helped him stay focused on his goal of getting admitted in IIT-Bombay through his score. The 14-hour-study Narayana school student began his preparations of JEE in class 8th, after scoring 90.6% in class 10th and 96.2% in class 12th boards.
2.62 lakh JEE (Mains) candidates will sit for JEE (Advanced) on August 28th, which will be held in batches of paper 1 from 9 am to 12 noon and paper 2 from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. August 23rd released hall tickets will be available on the official website Candidates can give feedbacks on the September 3rd released provisional answer key, from the same day to the next, i.e. till September 4th. Final answer key, along with the results will be available on September 11th .