Eight scientists who were part of a team that discovered a room-temperature superconductor have asked for their paper to be retracted. The discovery, led by Ranga P. Dias, a professor at the University of Rochester, has drawn scrutiny due to allegations of scientific misconduct against Dias. The request for retraction raises questions about the vetting process at the prestigious journal, Nature, which published the paper. Superconductors, which allow electricity to flow without resistance, typically require extremely cold temperatures.
Scientists in South Korea have dispelled previous claims that material LK-99 is a superconductor. The group of researchers published their findings in a scientific journal, stating that in normal conditions, LK-99 cannot conduct electricity without any resistance. The research highlights the importance of collaborative efforts in the field of superconductivity and expands our understanding of materials with potential applications.
Scientists from South Korea have raised doubts about the superconducting capabilities of the material LK-99. They argue that it can only conduct electricity without resistance under ambient conditions. These findings have raised concerns and prompted further investigations and peer reviews to determine the true nature of LK-99.