Kajol’s Comment on Education Qualifications of Indian Political Leaders Sparks Backlash on Twitter

Kajol’s Comment on Education Qualifications of Indian Political Leaders Sparks Backlash on Twitter

Bollywood actor Kajol recently made a remark about Indian political leaders and their lack of educational qualifications, stirring up a storm on Twitter. During a promotional interview for her upcoming web series, ‘The Trial,’ Kajol expressed her view that change in India is slow due to deeply rooted traditions and limited education. She specifically mentioned political leaders, claiming that their lack of educational background hinders them from having a broader perspective.

Following Kajol’s statement, Twitter users had mixed reactions. Some criticized her, pointing out that she herself is a school dropout. Others supported her, acknowledging the honesty in her opinion. One user even defended her, stating that while Kajol may not be highly educated, she is not running the country and is focused on her own business and family.

In response to the backlash, Kajol clarified her remark, emphasizing that her intention was not to demean any political leaders but to highlight the importance of education. She praised the great leaders who are guiding the country and steering it in the right direction.

This controversy surrounding Kajol’s comment reignites the debate over the educational qualifications of political leaders in India. While some argue that formal education is not a necessity for effective leadership, others believe that education provides a broader perspective and critical thinking skills essential for governance.

As the discussion continues, Kajol’s statement serves as a reminder that education plays a significant role in shaping the leadership and decision-making process in any country. While qualifications may vary, the ability to have an open mind and consider different viewpoints is crucial for effective governance.

TIS Staff


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