UAE Convenes Pre-COP Talks to Garner Backing for Climate Agenda

UAE Convenes Pre-COP Talks to Garner Backing for Climate Agenda

With less than a month to go until the UN climate meet in Dubai, the UAE has convened a final pre-summit ministerial consultation, commonly known as the pre-COP. The pre-COP meeting serves as an opportunity for the incoming presidency to fine-tune its agenda and gather political support. Minister Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the UAE’s designated COP28 president, highlighted the significant turnout for the pre-COP meeting, emphasizing the seriousness with which COP28 is being taken. Al Jaber also praised India’s strong leadership in climate action and expressed the UAE’s desire for India’s partnership in achieving a successful outcome at COP28. The Dubai COP is considered critical, with experts describing it as the most important climate meet since the Paris Agreement in 2015. The outcome of COP28 will play a crucial role in determining whether the world can restrict temperature rise to 1.5°C and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. At the summit, countries will undertake a global stock taking to assess their collective progress in addressing the challenge of climate change. The UAE presidency aims to secure agreement on a roadmap that can set the world on the necessary trajectory to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. Al Jaber acknowledged the lack of trust between countries and the challenges posed by geopolitical fragmentation. He emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity in addressing the global climate challenge. Al Jaber expressed hope that the UN climate process could provide a unique opportunity to restore faith and trust in multilateralism. He described the Dubai meet as a great opportunity to turn the tide and unite the world in addressing the global climate crisis.

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