Two elderly women, aged 75 and 60, tragically lost their lives at Faridabad railway station when they slipped off the edge of a platform and were crushed by a goods train. The incident occurred on Saturday morning when Ramkali, 65, lost her balance and fell onto the tracks. Her sister-in-law, Murthi Devi, slipped while trying to hold on to her. The two women had come to Faridabad to attend a family function and were waiting on platform no. 2 to catch a train back home. They were accompanied by Murthi Devi’s brother, Shaymlal, a retired postmaster. The train they were supposed to board was running 30 minutes late. Ramkali, already standing close to the platform’s edge to avoid the crowd, leaned over when she heard an approaching engine. Unfortunately, she didn’t realize how close she was to the edge and lost her balance. Murthi Devi desperately tried to reach out to her, but she also slipped and fell onto the tracks. Before they could react, a goods train ran over them, causing fatal injuries. Vishwas Gehlot, the GRP sub-inspector at Faridabad station, stated that the platform was crowded at the time, and Ramkali was standing near the edge due to the crowd. He also mentioned that she was anxious because the train was running late. The GRP team immediately arrived to control the crowd and prevent any further accidents. The bodies of the deceased were removed from the tracks and sent for autopsy. Later in the day, they were handed over to their respective families. Shyamlal, the brother of Murthi Devi, lodged a complaint regarding the incident, leading to a general diary entry made under Section 174 of the CrPC. This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the importance of remaining cautious while standing near the edge of platforms, especially during crowded times. The safety of rail passengers should always be a priority, and measures should be taken to avoid such tragic accidents in the future.
Two Elderly Women Slip off Platform at Faridabad Station, Crushed by Goods Train