Shares of the Ambuja Cements Ltd. traded at Rs 420.85 on BSE at 12:23PM (IST) on Wednesday, up 0.35 per cent. The stock quoted a 52-week low price of Rs 315.3 and a high of Rs 598.15. At the prevailing price, the stock traded at 30.04 times its trailing 12-month EPS of Rs 13.99 per share and 2.29 times its book value, as per BSE data. A total of 35,455 shares changed hands on the counter till 12:23PM (IST). The stock commands a market value of Rs 83456.67 crore and is part of the Cement – Pan India industry. The scrip has been an underperformer, down 28.27 per cent in the past one year in comparison with a 7.89 per cent gain in Sensex.