Uddhav Thackeray, the leader of Shiv Sena, addressed a rally in Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg Lok Sabha constituency, expressing his opposition to the proposed Barsu refinery complex and Jaitapur nuclear power plant projects. Thackeray, while campaigning for his party candidate Vinayak Raut, highlighted the harmful impact these projects would have on the environment. He stated that voting for the Prime Minister would imply supporting destruction, referring to the projects. The Shiv Sena leader emphasized the need to protect the coastal belt and its fragile ecosystem. Thackeray’s comments come as the electoral battle intensifies between Raut and Union Minister Narayan Rane in the Maharashtra constituency. The rally saw a fervent atmosphere as supporters gathered to show their solidarity with Thackeray and the Shiv Sena’s stance against the destructive projects. Raut, the sitting MP, has been backed by Thackeray and the party as he runs for re-election. The proposed refinery complex and nuclear power plant in Ratnagiri-Sindhudurg have faced resistance and protests due to concerns over their environmental impact. Environmental activists and local residents fear that these projects could cause irreparable damage to the region’s delicate coastal ecosystem. Thackeray’s public outcry against the projects aims to raise awareness and bolster support against their implementation. The Shiv Sena leader’s strong opposition to the Barsu and Jaitapur projects adds fuel to the already heated political battle in the constituency. Vinayak Raut, supported by Thackeray and the Shiv Sena, aims to secure victory against Union Minister Narayan Rane, who also holds significant influence in the region. As the elections draw near, political rhetoric intensifies, and parties strive to sway voters with their promises and agendas. In this case, Thackeray’s firm stance against the destructive projects aligns with his party’s commitment towards safeguarding the environment and preserving the coastal belt’s natural resources.
Vote for PM is Vote for Destruction, Claims Uddhav Thackeray; Says Won’t Allow Barsu, Jaitapur Projects