Christmas Eve in Bethlehem: A Ghost Town Amid Israel-Hamas War

Christmas Eve in Bethlehem: A Ghost Town Amid Israel-Hamas War

The biblical birthplace of Jesus, Bethlehem, was uncharacteristically quiet on Christmas Eve as celebrations were called off due to the Israel-Hamas war. The usual festive lights, Christmas tree, and crowds of tourists were nowhere to be found. Palestinian security forces patrolled the empty Manger Square, while dozens of hotels and gift shops remained closed. The cancellation of Christmas festivities, which account for 70% of Bethlehem’s income, has led to thousands of people being unemployed. With airlines cancelling flights to Israel, few foreigners are visiting Bethlehem, causing a significant blow to the town’s economy. The impact of the conflict is also felt beyond Bethlehem, with access to other Palestinian towns in the Israeli-occupied territory becoming difficult. The restrictions have not only affected tourism but have also prevented Palestinians from leaving to work in Israel. The absence of Christmas celebrations has transformed Bethlehem, usually a vibrant destination, into a somber and deserted place this holiday season.

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