Reversal to Old Pension Scheme Could Lead to 8% Fiscal Deficit: AP FM

Reversal to Old Pension Scheme Could Lead to 8% Fiscal Deficit: AP FM

The reversal of the Old Pension Scheme in Andhra Pradesh has raised concerns about the potential impact on the state’s finances. The Finance Minister of the state has warned that the decision to revert to the old scheme could result in a fiscal deficit of up to 8%.

The Old Pension Scheme was replaced with the New Guaranteed Pension Scheme in 2012. However, the government is now considering going back to the old scheme due to various reasons.

One of the main concerns raised by the Finance Minister is the financial burden it will place on the state. The Old Pension Scheme is a defined benefit pension scheme, which means that the government has to provide a guaranteed pension to its employees upon retirement. This can be a significant financial liability for the state, especially considering the large number of employees under its purview.

The New Guaranteed Pension Scheme, on the other hand, is a hybrid model that combines the features of both defined benefit and defined contribution pension schemes. It aims to provide retirement security while also sharing the investment risk between the government and the employees.

Apart from the financial burden, the Finance Minister also highlighted the administrative challenges associated with reverting to the old scheme. The new scheme has been in place for almost a decade, and switching back to the old system would require significant changes in the administrative setup.

While proponents of the Old Pension Scheme argue that it provides a more stable and secure retirement option for employees, critics point out the potential strain it can put on state finances. Reverting to the old scheme without proper analysis and planning could lead to an increase in the fiscal deficit and budgetary constraints for the state.

The decision to switch back to the Old Pension Scheme should be carefully evaluated, taking into consideration the long-term financial implications for the state. It is crucial to strike a balance between ensuring retirement security for employees and maintaining fiscal sustainability.

In conclusion, the reversal of the Old Pension Scheme in Andhra Pradesh has raised concerns about the potential impact on state finances. The Finance Minister’s warning about the possibility of a fiscal deficit of up to 8% highlights the need for careful consideration and analysis before making a decision.

TIS Staff


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