Aggregators of luxury buses in Delhi will receive licenses to operate, according to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. The decision is aimed at promoting the use of public transport, reducing traffic on roads, and minimizing air pollution. Kejriwal stated that these buses will not allow standing passengers, and reservations can only be made through apps and digital payments. The Delhi government’s objective is to enhance the transportation system by introducing electric buses into the fleet after 1.5 years. The routes for these buses will be determined by the bus operators, and the fare should be higher than the peak fare of Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) buses. Kejriwal has sent the proposal for approval to the Lieutenant Governor (LG). The draft of the Delhi Motor Vehicles Licensing of Aggregator (Premium Buses) Scheme, 2023 was published on the government’s website in August, inviting public feedback. The scheme aims to incentivize middle and upper-middle-class citizens to switch to public transport. Additionally, it mandates that aggregators ensure the safety and security of women passengers by providing a panic button on their mobile and web-based applications. These features should be functional at all times and integrate with law enforcement agencies for prompt resolution of complaints. In 2020, the Delhi government set a target to register 5 lakh new electric vehicles within five years and have 25% of all newly sold vehicles as electric by 2025.