Pakistani singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan has been removed from his position as an ambassador for King Charles’ British Asian Trust after a video of him assaulting a student went viral. The incident occurred when Khan was caught on camera repeatedly slapping a man with his shoe in a fit of anger. The video sparked outrage and condemnation from internet users, leading to the Trust’s decision to sever all ties with Khan. A spokesperson for the Trust stated that any form of violence is vehemently condemned, regardless of the situation. The Trust’s strict policy against abusive behavior is the reason behind their decision. Khan had been appointed as an ambassador for the British Asian Trust by Prince Charles himself in 2017. However, the recent incident has tainted his reputation and prompted Prince Charles’ organization to cut off all association with him. In response to the backlash, Khan released a clarification video on social media. He asserted that the altercation was a result of a personal issue and denied claims that alcohol was involved. Khan explained that the bottle seen in the video contained holy water blessed by a religious cleric. He justified his actions as disciplinary measures taken in response to the student’s alleged misbehavior, emphasizing the traditional dynamics of the teacher-student relationship. In the clarification video, the student involved in the altercation appeared alongside Khan, supporting his explanation and dismissing the video leak as an attempt to tarnish his teacher’s reputation. The student’s father also defended the traditional teacher-student relationship prevalent in the Qawwali field. However, despite these justifications, the incident has drawn strong criticism from internet users. Many have stated that Khan should face consequences for his actions, as it is unacceptable to mercilessly hit someone in any scenario. There have also been calls for people to boycott Khan’s songs as a form of protest against his behavior.
Pakistani Singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan Stripped of Ambassador Position After Assault Video Surfaces