‘Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chasmah’ star Gurucharan Singh has been seen in a CCTV camera. The TV actor, who has been missing for more than five days, was last seen in the Delhi airport. He was travelling to Mumbai. However, he had not landed in Mumbai or returned home. This made his father file a report. In an interview with ANI, DCP South-West Delhi Rohit Meena assured that an investigation was going on to trace the missing actor. The DCP further revealed that Singh was seen leaving with a backpack.
The actor’s co-star from the sitcom reacted to the news. Sachin Shroff, who essayed the role of Taarak Mehta, told HT City that the team is helping the family and in touch with the agencies, and that the situation is quite disturbing.
Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal, who played the wife of Singh’s character, revealed that she had tried to contact her former co-star, but his phone was switched off. She expressed her concern for Singh’s safety.
Gurucharan Singh gained prominence for his portrayal of Roshan Singh Harjeet Singh Sodhi in the immensely popular comedy TV series ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chasma’. His departure from the show was due to personal setbacks.
‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chasma’ stands as one of India’s longest-running and most successful sitcoms. Since its premiere in 2008, it has maintained a steady and enduring popularity.