Mumbai’s Wankhede Stadium and the Eden Gardens in Kolkata, two iconic venues, have emerged as the frontrunners to host the two semifinals of the 2023 World Cup. The MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai, another venue with a rich legacy, may miss out on organizing a major game of the ODI showpiece. The BCCI source revealed that Mumbai’s Wankhede and Kolkata’s Eden Gardens are the likely venues for the World Cup semifinals. Earlier, Chennai was also in the race, but it seems Eden is slightly ahead now. One of the reasons being the November weather in Chennai, where there is always a chance of rain. A meeting was held in Mumbai to discuss the details and finalize the venues before the official announcement on Tuesday. If India qualifies for the semifinals, they will play in Mumbai. The Wankhede Stadium hosted the final of the 2011 World Cup, where India ended their 28-year-old title drought by defeating Sri Lanka. The Eden Gardens hosted the summit showdown between Australia and England in the 1987 edition, which Australia won. The World Cup will feature 10 teams, including hosts India, who have qualified directly. Two more teams will make it through the World Cup Qualifiers in Zimbabwe. The tournament will consist of 45 matches followed by the semifinals and the final.