The Supreme Court has directed the Allahabad High Court (HC) to grant an immediate hearing to Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan in his grievances against the ongoing trial proceedings against him in Rampur court, Uttar Pradesh. The SC allowed Khan to approach the HC earlier, but he has not yet been given a hearing. Khan’s lawyer, Kapil Sibal, argued that the trial court was proceeding with the case, and if Khan is not heard by the HC, he may be convicted without his grievances being addressed, which would be against natural justice. The Supreme Court, after a brief hearing, passed an order requesting the HC to take up the application under section 482 as soon as possible. The Court also asked the HC to consider passing any orders necessary to protect Khan’s interests during the trial’s pendency. In January, the SC had declined Khan’s plea to transfer the trial outside Uttar Pradesh, but allowed him to raise his grievances before the Allahabad HC.