The world premiere of Lil Nas X’s documentary, titled ‘Lil Nas X: Long Live Montero,’ at the ongoing Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) was delayed on Saturday night due to a bomb threat. The gala screening, directed by Carlos Lopez Estrada and Zac Manuel, was scheduled for a 10pm start at Roy Thomson Hall. As Lil Nas X arrived in his car to join the filmmakers on the red carpet, organizers received a bomb threat targeting the pop superstar. The security team conducted a sweep of the venue and after confirming it was a hoax, the screening started at approximately 10.30pm. The threat specifically targeted Lil Nas X for being a Black queer artist. Representatives for TIFF did not respond to immediate requests for comment.
TIFF 2023 premiere of documentary on Lil Nas X delayed by bomb threat