Amid the construction of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Uttar Pradesh Government is taking various other initiatives to establish the identity of Ram in different parts of the state. One such initiative is the development of a religious tourism circuit, which aims to narrate the story of Ram and his encounters with different legendary figures. For instance, the district magistrate of Prayagraj inspected Shringverpur Dham, believed to be the meeting ground of Ram and Nishadraj Guha, the king of the Nishads, a community of boat-people. The government plans to develop this place as a religious and cultural center, with the construction of an auditorium, a library containing religious texts, and the installation of statues of Ram and Guha in the neighboring park.
These steps are not only of cultural significance but also have social and political motives. The BJP has been using symbolic themes to connect Ram with OBC groups, aiming to unite them into one vote bank. Nishadraj Jayanti, a festival observed by the Nishad community, has become a platform for political leaders of various parties to gather and connect with the community. The celebration highlights Ram’s association with Nishadraj and aims to uplift the community.
In addition to these initiatives, the Uttar Pradesh Government also plans to establish a Ramayana Museum and Cultural Centre in Barabanki district, between Ayodhya and Lucknow. This facility will provide tourists with a grand and divine experience of Ram’s life through various art galleries, a library, a research and publication division, and a Ramlila training center.
Furthermore, cultural events themed after Ram and the epic Ramayana are planned for the Uttar Pradesh International Trade Show, showcasing the state’s One District One Product initiative. The trade show will feature performances by local artists from the Awadh region and will offer artifacts reflecting Ram’s life and journey to special guests. These initiatives aim to establish the identity of Ram on a larger scale and promote religious tourism in Uttar Pradesh.