Shah Rukh Khan’s much-awaited film ‘Jawan’ released on Thursday, September 7 and has been setting new records at the box office. On its third day, ‘Jawan’ saw a tremendous jump of 45 percent, which is phenomenal. According to trade website, ‘Jawan’ has made a humungous collection of Rs 67 crore nett in just three days, creating history. This collection on Saturday is the biggest ever for any film. The film has surpassed the three-day collection of ‘Pathaan’, which was Rs 160 crore, now making ‘Jawan’ expected to have a total collection of around 178 crore nett in three days. The film’s worldwide box office collection has already crossed the Rs 200 mark.
The Sunday numbers are highly anticipated, but it remains uncertain due to the clash with the India Vs Pakistan match. The growth in the box office numbers on Saturday could be because audiences want to stay at home on Sunday for the match. However, cinema lovers are still expected to go to the theatres on Sunday. The film has already achieved a milestone by crossing the 100 crore mark in just three days. ‘Jawan’ has set a new benchmark by crossing Rs 175 crore in three days. The film’s performance in the coming week starting from Monday will be interesting to watch.
‘Jawan’ is directed by Atlee and stars Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi alongside Shah Rukh Khan. Fans are loving Deepika Padukone’s cameo in the movie alongside SRK. The Sunday numbers are highly anticipated and it would be interesting to see how the movie pans out in the coming week starting from Monday.