China Using Sporting Events to Score Geopolitical Points

China Using Sporting Events to Score Geopolitical Points

Chinese President Xi Jinping inaugurated the Asian Games in Hangzhou on September 23, giving a grand spectacle to the world. However, the days leading up to the opening ceremony were marred by controversy as three Indian athletes were denied entry into China. India’s sports minister, Anurag Thakur, protested this denial by canceling his China trip and withdrawing Indian athletes from the event. This incident raises concerns about how China is using international sporting events as a way to score geopolitical points.

The Asian Games, held every four years, is a platform for Asian nations to come together and celebrate sportsmanship. It showcases the region’s talent and serves as a symbol of unity. But this year’s edition, the 19th, began overshadowed by the strained relations between China and India.

In July, when three Indian athletes participated in a wushu competition in Chengdu, China, the Chinese authorities issued stapled visas to them, which are considered a form of discrimination. This move by China was seen as an attempt to assert its territorial claims over Arunachal Pradesh, a region that both China and India claim. The incident was met with criticism from India, but it did not escalate into a major controversy.

However, the recent denial of visas to Indian athletes planning to participate in the Asian Games has sparked a bigger controversy. It highlights the deeper geopolitical issues surrounding China’s behavior and its impact on international sports events. China’s approach to international events, particularly when it comes to neighboring countries with which it has territorial disputes, raises concerns about fairness and transparency.

China’s decision to deny visas to Indian athletes is not an isolated incident. Last year, during the Galwan Valley clash between Indian and Chinese troops, Chinese wrestler Peepal Singh Librashan, who participated in the Galwan Kushti Championship held in February, was chosen by Indian organizers to send a message of solidarity. This move was seen as a response to China’s aggressive behavior in the border region.

The refusal to grant entry to the Indian athletes is part of China’s larger approach to international relations. By leveraging its economic power and influence, China seeks to assert its authority and establish dominance over its neighbors. Using sporting events as a tool for geopolitical maneuvering is not a new tactic for China.

The incident with the Indian athletes is not the first time China has used sports as a means of exerting influence. In February last year, during the Beijing Winter Olympics, tensions were high between India and China. The Ghalwan Kushti Championship was held as a show of strength by Indian forces in response to China’s aggressive actions. China’s decision to invite the Indian wrestlers and issue visas to them was seen as a way to ease tensions and show goodwill towards India. However, the recent denial of visas clearly indicates a change in China’s stance.

The Indian sports minister’s decision to cancel his China trip and withdraw Indian athletes from the Asian Games is a strong message of protest against China’s actions. It reflects the growing concern among countries about China’s assertive behavior and its impact on international sporting events.

China’s approach to sports events is a reflection of its larger geopolitical ambitions. By using sports as a tool for asserting dominance and projecting power, China aims to shape the global narrative in its favor. It seeks to control the narrative and ensure that its version of events is widely accepted. This tactic, however, has had the opposite effect, resulting in increased tensions and strained relations with neighboring countries.

The standoff between China and India over the denial of visas to Indian athletes highlights the broader challenges in China’s approach to international sports events. Until the underlying geopolitical issues are addressed and the border dispute is resolved, incidents of this nature may continue to occur. The incident serves as a reminder that while sports can unite nations and foster friendship, they can also be exploited for political gain.

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