Russell Brand Faces New Charges of Rape, Harassment, and Other Offenses

Russell Brand Faces New Charges of Rape, Harassment, and Other Offenses

Troubles for British actor and comedian Russell Brand are not dying down. He is facing a second criminal investigation related to allegations of harassment and stalking. Thames Valley police is probing the claims made by a woman who said two weeks ago that she has ‘new information’ about ‘harassment and stalking’. Thames Valley Police has not named Russell Brand but said that in the past two weeks, it received new information in relation to the harassment and stalking allegations dating back to 2018. The Thames Valley police said that it is investigating the case and it will not be proper to comment on the case now, as per media reports.

The actor has been accused of rape, assault, and emotional abuse between 2006 and 2013. He was at the top of his career and fame at that time. Russell Brand was working for the BBC and Channel 4 and appearing in Hollywood movies. In connection to the new allegations, the woman claims that she complained about it several times between 2018 and 2022, but no action has been taken, British media reports said.

The comedian has previously denied ‘very serious criminal allegations’ and ‘extremely egregious and aggressive attacks’. He said that he ‘absolutely refutes’ all the charges.

The woman has claimed that Russell Brand assaulted one of the women when she was a 16-year-old schoolgirl. Another woman has claimed that Russell raped her against a wall in his home in Los Angeles. A third woman says Russell assaulted her in the same house the following year. A fourth woman has said that Russell Brand sexually assaulted him in the UK and he had been physically and emotionally abusive towards her.


Q1. What are the new allegations against Russell Brand?
A1. In connection to the new allegations, the woman claims that she complained about it several times between 2018 and 2022, but no action has been taken. She has accused Russell Brand of ‘harassment and stalking’.

Q2. What has the Thames Valley police said on new allegations against Russell Brand?
A2. Thames Valley police has not named Russell Brand, but it said that in the past two weeks, it received new information in relation to the harassment and stalking allegations dating back to 2018.

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