Man Sentenced to 20 Years in Jail for Raping Minor Girl in Bengaluru

Man Sentenced to 20 Years in Jail for Raping Minor Girl in Bengaluru

A financier in Bengaluru, identified as Wasim Khan Hassan alias Hussain, has been sentenced to a 20-year jail term for raping a minor girl. The incident occurred when the girl’s father, who had taken a loan from Wasim, could not repay the debt on time. As a result, Wasim ordered the father to send his 13-year-old daughter to Wasim’s sister’s house as collateral. In the absence of the sister, Wasim sexually assaulted the girl and threatened her against revealing the crime. Disturbed by the harassment, the girl eventually ran away and sought help at a rehabilitation center. Upon reaching the center, she filed a complaint and legal action was taken against both the financier and his sister. The special court for the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act announced a 20-year jail term and a penalty of Rs 31,000 for Wasim. His sister, Tabarin Taj alias Tabbu, was sentenced to one year of simple imprisonment and a penalty of Rs 1,000 for threatening and concealing the crime. This case highlights the urgent need to address sexual crimes against minors and provide a safe environment for all children.

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