Former Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has written a letter to the Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court, Ravi Malimath, requesting forgiveness for two members of ABVP (Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad). The ABVP functionaries, Himanshu Shrotriya and Sukrit Sharma, were arrested for using a judge’s car to transport a sick person to a hospital in Gwalior. Chouhan argued that the act was committed for a humanitarian cause and should be forgiven. However, their bail was rejected by a special court judge. The incident sparked a debate about the lack of proper medical facilities and the need for an ambulance in such situations. The ABVP members claimed that they were trying to save a man’s life as his health deteriorated rapidly and no ambulance was available at the time. The incident resulted in the death of the ailing man, who was later identified as Ranjeet Singh, the vice-chancellor of a private university in Uttar Pradesh. The preliminary post-mortem report indicated that he died of cardiac failure. This incident has highlighted the need for better medical facilities and prompt emergency response in the region.
Shivraj Singh Chouhan Seeks Forgiveness for ABVP Men Using Judge’s Car as Ambulance