Piyush Goyal: Farmers, Fishermen Protected at WTO

Piyush Goyal: Farmers, Fishermen Protected at WTO

Piyush Goyal, India’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, expressed confidence that Indian farmers and fishermen have been effectively protected at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference (MC) 13. Goyal highlighted the successful delivery made by India to safeguard the interests of its farmers and fishermen. He emphasized that India’s commitment towards protecting their livelihoods and ensuring a level playing field in global trade has been demonstrated at the WTO. Goyal’s statements come amidst concerns over the possible adverse impact of international trade rules on Indian agriculture and fisheries sectors. Goyal reiterated the resolve of the Indian government to continue working towards fair and balanced trade policies that prioritize the welfare of its agricultural and fishing communities.

The WTO Ministerial Conference is a gathering of trade ministers from member countries to discuss and negotiate global trade policies. MC 13 was held from November 30 to December 3, 2021, in Geneva, Switzerland. It aimed to address several issues of importance to developing nations, including agriculture and fisheries.

India, as one of the world’s largest agricultural producers and exporters, has been actively engaged in negotiations at the WTO to protect the interests of its farmers. The country has consistently advocated for special safeguard mechanisms and fair trade practices to prevent unfair competition and market distortions. The protection of Indian farmers has been a key priority for the Indian government, given the significant contribution of agriculture to India’s economy and the livelihoods of millions of farmers.

During MC 13, India worked towards ensuring that the outcomes are in line with its interests and aspirations. The conference witnessed discussions on issues such as domestic support, public stockholding for food security, and fishery subsidies. These topics have significant implications for Indian farmers and fishermen, as they directly impact the sustainability and viability of their operations.

Goyal’s assertion of successful protection for Indian farmers and fishermen at the WTO reflects the proactive measures taken by the Indian government to safeguard the interests of its agricultural and fishing communities. By actively participating in international trade negotiations and advocating for fair and balanced trade policies, India aims to create an enabling environment for its farmers and fishermen to thrive and compete on a global scale. The government’s commitment to their welfare and livelihoods is a crucial factor in ensuring sustainable growth and development in the agricultural and fisheries sectors.

India’s active engagement at the WTO and its efforts to protect its farmers and fishermen send a strong message of its commitment to maintaining a level playing field in global trade. As the country continues to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolving international trade landscape, the Indian government’s resolve to prioritize the welfare of its agricultural and fishing communities remains steadfast.

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