Union Minority Affairs Minister Smriti Zubin Irani launched the Haj Suvidha App on March 3, providing Haj pilgrims with necessary information and direct access to vital services like training modules, flight details, and accommodation. The app is expected to enhance the overall pilgrimage experience by addressing common challenges faced by the pilgrims. In addition to the app launch, Ms. Irani released the Haj Guide-2024, which will be distributed to all the Haj pilgrims. The guide aims to make pilgrims aware of various aspects of the pilgrimage, with a special emphasis on using the Haj Suvidha App.
The Haj Suvidha App has been developed by BISAG-N under the guidance of the Union Minister for Minority Affairs. The app leverages digital and mobile technologies to provide easy access to important services like training modules, flight details, accommodation, emergency helpline, and health. By offering these services at the fingertips of the pilgrims, the app aims to enable them to focus better on their spiritual journey and alleviate concerns related to travel, luggage, and documents.
The app is particularly beneficial for first-time Haj pilgrims, as it addresses common problems encountered during the pilgrimage. It is expected to be a game changer in the pilgrimage experience, ensuring better access to facilities and administrative coordination. The app also aims to provide prompt grievance redressal and emergency response for the pilgrims.
To enhance the training provided to the Haj pilgrims, the government has increased the ratio of trainers per pilgrim from 1:300 to 1:150. This step is expected to ensure a safer, more peaceful, and comfortable Haj experience for Indian pilgrims. The two-day Training of Trainers Programme, inaugurated by Ms. Irani, aimed to sensitise and educate the trainers who will impart further training to the Haj pilgrims. The programme emphasized the importance of training in enabling pilgrims to perform Haj in a safe and comfortable manner.
The Haj Guide-2024, released by Ms. Irani, has been prepared in 10 different languages to cater to the diverse needs of the pilgrims. The guide will provide comprehensive information on various aspects of the pilgrimage and will serve as a reference for the pilgrims. It highlights the use of the Haj Suvidha App as an essential tool for the Haj pilgrims, ensuring a fulfilling and hassle-free experience.
Ms. Irani, in her address, commended the efforts made by the government to ensure a transparent, uniform, cost-efficient, safe, and spiritually fulfilling Haj pilgrimage. She acknowledged the increased enthusiasm and participation by pilgrims under the Ladies Without Mehram category, emphasizing the government’s commitment to making Haj inclusive and accessible.
The launch of the Haj Suvidha App and the release of the Haj Guide-2024 demonstrate the government’s dedication to improving the Haj pilgrimage experience. These initiatives aim to provide better access to facilities, enhance administrative coordination, and ensure the well-being of the pilgrims. With the use of digital technology, the government seeks to make the pilgrimage smoother, more comfortable, and spiritually enriching for all the Haj pilgrims.