Steven Knight, the mastermind behind ‘Peaky Blinders,’ takes audiences on a musical journey with his latest creation, ‘This Town.’ Set in Birmingham during the 1980s, the series follows the rise of a band amidst political unrest. It explores the transformative power of music in a tumultuous era. The show will debut on BBC iPlayer in the UK on March 31, 2024, with all six episodes available for streaming. The first two episodes will also air on BBC One on March 31 and April 1, 2024 at 9 pm GMT. The series is expected to secure a US release on platforms like AMC, Prime Video, or Netflix. The official trailer, released on March 15, gives a glimpse into the chaotic yet captivating world of ‘This Town.’ It introduces Dante, a struggling poet who forms a band with Jennie Keefe amidst violence and tension. The cast includes Levi Brown, Jordan Bolger, Ben Rose, and Eve Austin, alongside Michelle Dockery, Geraldine James, Nicholas Pinnock, David Dawson, and other acclaimed actors. Directed by Paul Whittington and written by Steven Knight, ‘This Town’ brings the vibrant world of 1980s Birmingham to life.
This Town: All You Need to Know about Release Date, Plot, Trailer, Cast, and Crew