IIT-Madras NPTEL, the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, is set to offer its ‘Programming, data structures and algorithms using Python’ course in Tamil. This initiative is aimed at assisting engineering students who have completed their schooling in regional languages and need to make the transition to English. Currently, the course content is available only in English, making it difficult for students to grasp the concepts. Therefore, the resources developed by IIT-Madras NPTEL, including video lectures with Tamil subtitles, transcripts, books with slides, and audio tracks, will help ease this transition for Tamil-speaking students.
In total, 174 courses are available in Tamil on the NPTEL platform. These courses aim to provide students with a quicker learning experience and enable them to absorb the content more effectively. The video lectures, which have Tamil subtitles, have received positive feedback from learners, indicating the accessibility and comprehension of the translated materials. Additionally, 159 Tamil language e-books have been published on the NPTEL website, further enhancing the resources available in Tamil.
While the technical terms used in the course will be in English, the explanations and concepts will be in Tamil. This approach ensures that students understand the subject matter clearly while still being familiar with the English terminology commonly used in engineering. However, it is important to note that the exams for the course will still be conducted in English, as English proficiency is a critical requirement in the field of engineering.
The translation efforts are being undertaken by a team of engineering college faculty members who are working closely with NPTEL. To enhance the translation process, AI tools are also being explored. These tools aim to automate the translation of technical terms, further improving the quality and accuracy of the translated materials.
It is worth mentioning that NPTEL has translated its courses into 11 languages, including Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu. Among these languages, Tamil and Hindi have seen the highest number of translations. NPTEL’s goal is to continue expanding its offerings in different Indian languages, ensuring that students from diverse linguistic backgrounds have access to high-quality technical education.
As of now, NPTEL offers more than 700 courses for certification every semester across 22 disciplines. Over the years, NPTEL has translated more than 20,000 hours of video content spanning 244 courses, including 163 engineering courses. This extensive translation effort reflects NPTEL’s commitment to fostering inclusive and accessible education in India.
Through initiatives like offering courses in regional languages, NPTEL aims to reduce language barriers and empower students to pursue technical education with confidence and understanding. This approach not only benefits students who have studied in regional languages but also promotes diversity and inclusivity in the field of engineering education.
By offering the ‘Programming, data structures and algorithms using Python’ course in Tamil, IIT-Madras NPTEL is taking a significant step towards making technical education more accessible and enabling students to excel in their engineering careers.