Sukhbir Singh Badal, the chief of Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), has proposed conducting DNA tests for individuals joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Punjab. While addressing a gathering after inducting a state BJP executive member and social activist into SAD, Badal stated that his party is the voice of Punjab. This statement came soon after Gurpreet Singh Maluka and Parampal Kaur Sidhu, son and daughter-in-law of SAD leader Sikandar Singh Maluka, joined the BJP in the presence of Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri and BJP’s national general secretary Vinod Tawde in Delhi. Sidhu, an IAS officer, had resigned a few days earlier. Badal urged people to support SAD in the Lok Sabha elections, emphasizing that the party’s objective is to fight against oppression rather than ruling people. He criticized national parties, particularly the BJP, Congress, and AAP, for being motivated solely by acquiring power and neglecting development work. Badal urged Punjab residents to vote in a way that prevents Delhi-based parties from making inroads into the state and claimed that all Delhi-based party units follow their high command. He also criticized the BJP government in Haryana for using force against farmers and preventing them from reaching Delhi to voice their demands. Badal described the parliamentary elections as a battle between the forces of Delhi and Punjabis, both of whom have allegedly suffered at the hands of Delhi-based parties. He accused leaders of Delhi-based parties in Punjab, including the BJP, of opposing the farmers’ protest two years ago. According to Badal, the AAP government in Punjab has adopted an anti-farmer stance by allowing Haryana Police to use force against farmers.
SAD Chief Sukhbir Singh Badal Suggests DNA Test for Those Joining BJP